Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

cinco (1 of 1)

Today is Cinco de Mayo, truly one of my most favorite holidays!  For a history lesson on the day’s true meaning, click here.  The lovely wife and I will celebrate the day by visiting our favorite Mexican restaurant, immerse ourselves in the culture, and indulge in chips, salsa, and hot bean dip.  Yes, I know such treats are loaded with fat and sodium but today is about celebration so the “food police” get the day off!

I also think of this day as Cinco de tee shirt because the restaurant owner will be offering free tee shirts to anyone who purchase a meal.  Man, nothing beats a free tee shirt!


Earl said...

Good food and free tee-shirts sound great.

Cinco de Mayyo -- so the Mexican's defeated the French...who hasn't defeated the French at least once? They fold like a wet napkin. ;-)

Steve Skinner said...

Earl, good point!

Anita Jesse said...

Earl's addition made me laugh out loud.

This post was great fun for me because we had a similar treat for Cinco de Mayo. Since it happened that we needed to be in LA that day, we got to eat at our favorite restaurant. Delicious Mexican food. True, no tee shirts, but my chicken taco was delicious enough to satisy me.

Steve Skinner said...

Well Anita, we had a great meal too but they didn't do tee shirts this year and boy was I ever disappointed!

Pamela said...

I missed that celebration this year.
in years passed we always toasted with a little mexican beer, too

Steve Skinner said...

Pamela, it's never too late to celebrate!