Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Great Philosopher


Today the world lost a great American philosopher, Yogi Berra.  He is probably better remembered for his sayings than his accomplishments in baseball. 

Whenever he spoke, his words were sure to be memorable.  Two of my favorite “Yogi Berraisms” are as follows:

“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six”

“You can observe a lot by watching”

Yogi Berra 1925 - 2015


Paul said...

I'd never heard the one about the pizza, but I'll have to use that! :D

Steve Skinner said...

Paul, the man knew how to make words word for him!

Earl said...

He did have a gift of statement and seemed like a genuine nice guy. Someone that would be nice to share a meal with.

Earl said...

He did have a gift of statement and seemed like a genuine nice guy. Someone that would be nice to share a meal with.

Steve Skinner said...

Earl, that would be a very intresting meal.